
Why Corporate Culture Is So Important

"Those with the strongest cultures have the best results" Whitney Kenter, CEO & Founder of Glowe Connective, discusses the importance of aligning your organization's values internally before focusing externally on The Risclarity WeathTech Podcast.

The full interview with Whitney can be found here.

About Whitney Kenter
Whitney is Founder and CEO of Glowe Connective and is an industry speaker and expert in business leadership. With more than two decades of experience in business advisory, financial services, and executive leadership, she has held the roles of CEO, managing member, and board member.

About Glowe Connective
Glowe Connective is a business "un-consultancy" that addresses the most powerful opportunity in every business: unleashing human energy. To learn more about Glowe Connective please visit

Information provided is for educational purposes only. Opinions expressed and estimates or projections given are as of the date of the presentation and Risclarity has no obligation to update or provide notice of inaccuracy or change. Glowe Connective is an independent company and is not affiliated with Risclarity.

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